24 February 2010


* Project: blink4quick
* Author: Jane-Maree Howard
* Date: Tuesday 24/02/2010
* Platform: Arduino 18
* Purpose: To demonstrate variable blink times for the built-in LED
* Operation: Sets up input & output pins in setup() method;
* Declares pin definition variable
* Declares delayTime variable
* Defines loop() to perform LED blinking & delay operations
* The whole idea is to vary the delay time to the point where individual blinks
* can no longer be detected...
* The author reports that she can just detect a delay time of 14 milliseconds

int ledPin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13
//int delayTime = 20; // LED blink delay time
//int delayTime = 15; //comment out unused delay times
int delayTime = 14; //comment out unused delay times
//int delayTime = 13; //comment out unused delay times
//int delayTime = 12; //comment out unused delay times
//int delayTime = 10; //saves rewriting variable errors

// The setup() method runs once, when the sketch starts
void setup()
// initialize the digital pin as an output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
}//end setup()

// Loop turns pin13 (LED) on, waits briefly, turns LED off, waitsbriefly;
// repeats endlessly while Arduino has power
void loop()
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn the LED on
delay(delayTime); // wait for 'delayTime' milliseconds
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn the LED off
delay(delayTime); // wait for 'delayTime' milliseconds
}//end loop()

//Author just just see the delay time at 14 milliseconds

22 February 2010

Arduino duemilanove kit & software

Got my starter kit (with board & peripherals). Also, downloaded Arduino 18 onto my portable hard-drive

Arduino Duemilanove Board

Arduino Duemilanove

That's a picture of the board & a link to the Duemilanove page

"Due-" = "2" "-mila-" = "thousand" "-nove" = "9" -- "2009"
Italian spelling's a piece of..

19 February 2010

Arduino page...

This link should go to

the Arduino Duemilanove page.

course Info

Go to
for course information