15 June 2010

Task 60 - The ATmega328 parts

EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programable Read Only Memory
Non-volatile store for data, which stays there after power-off

SRAM - Static Random Access Memory
Volatile store for program variables, which disappears on power-off

Flash - Non-volatile memory for uploading & storing programs, which stay there on power-off, & until replaced by another uploaded program

TWI - Two Wire Interface
Used for serial data transfer to & from external memory. So-named because it needs only two communication lines: a Clock line (SCL on the Arduino) & a Data line (SDA), apart from +Vcc & Ground (-Vcc). Commonly used with protocols like I2C (Interconnected Integrated Circuits).

A/D Conv - Analog/Digital Converter
Since all processing, storage etc in the ATmega328 is done digitally, the Analog inputs must be 'digitised', & that's done by this block


USART - Universal Serial Asychronous Receive Transmit

1 comment:

  1. WTF is the matter with the font formatting on this Blogger app???

    I have WASTED a hellova lotta time trying to make the bugger behave & i'm feeling particularly cranky rite now :-[
