I've got my Syntax Presentation all ready, on the following:
Comparison Operators;
Boolean Operators;
I Think i'm supposed to do the Bitwise Operators (ummm.. i don't actually Know)
Compound Operators.
There's quite a bit of stuff there..
..but i'm getting reasonably good at PowerPoints now, tho' i'm still functionally illiterate visually, so there are no pretty pictures or fancy backgrounds.
There was some controversy about PPs a while back, to the effect that some important technical PPs had so much distracting visual frippery that vital technical points were being glossed over & nobody noticed until some disaster or other happened further down the track.
Then everybody's lawyers got busy with 'perms & coms' of lawsuits against everyone except God..
..& a really really good time was had by a few.
Poor old Joe & Jane Pleb just hefted the bill (as ever) in the form of higher prices for this-that-&-the-other while the goof-balls made up their own versions of The Truth & concentrated on clawing back as much foregone income as poss..
(sigh) plus ca change!
From the mail bag…
47 minutes ago
Gettin kikked outa here (D312).
ReplyDeleteTry to cobble together some of the in-between tasks tomorrow,