22 April 2010

Week 8 - Lab 1: External Interrupts

Setting Up the Interrupts

* Project: Week-08_Lab-1_ExternalInterrupts
* Author: Jane-Maree Howard
* Date: Monday 18/04/2010
* Platform: Arduino 18
* Purpose: To do nothing apart from demonstrating ISRs
(Interrupt Service Rountines).
For each of the 2 interrupt lines (0 & 1), its ISR
outputs a string to the Serial Monitor which identifies
the interrupt line number to which the ISR is attached
const int buttonPin = 2; // Interrupt 0 - pushbutton pin
const int otherPin = 3; // Interrupt 1 - 'somethingElse' pin

void setup()
// initialise Digital Pins
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(otherPin, INPUT);
// attach Interrupts
attachInterrupt(0, SM_Output_0, LOW);
attachInterrupt(1, SM_Output_1, LOW);

void loop()

/* Interrupt Service Routines */
// Output 0
void SM_Output_0()
Serial.println("\tInterrupt on line 0 - LOW\n");

// Output 1
void SM_Output_1()
Serial.println("\tInterrupt on line 1\n");


  1. It works with the button, but i also tried to hook up a CdS-LDR & i couldn't make that work; i suspect i'll have to set up a routine to get the LDR to rigger an Interrupt pin to go LOW so the event will be recorded on the Serial Monitor as per the ISR.
    Maybe if i write that all into the ISR itself, tho' that's not recommended since ISRs should be kept as short as possible...

  2. That was the 'somethingElse' pin in the software..
    Interrupt 1 on 'otherPin'

  3. I should do a Fritzing Diagram, but i spent most of my time here (OASuite) downloading lumps of software (Open Office, etc) which are too large Not to Take Forever @home.
    Now i'm tired & I Wanna Go Home!!
