22 April 2010

Task 45 - InfraRed LED & detector

Well, i Don't Have (or Can't Find) my IR LED(s)!
I thought i had one/some, but they just glow a sickly green - is that them??

I now have a breadboard arrangement that's SUPPOSED to detect an IR flash & transmit that to an IR detector, but i've got my wiring mixed up
& it's NOT working..

I need to think more about the breadboard, coz i think the software's ok.



  1. I bought a couple of IR LEDs & IR detectors
    at Jaycar this morning - now i just have to find out which way round they go (EVERY time!!)

  2. I now think i know how to do this - cross between the ladyada CdS photocell project & the LED-blink.
    I've set up the software but haven't got the hardware wired yet - i really need to build at least ONE shield just to make life easier, but that old bugbear, procrastination, keeps raising its ugly li'l head..

  3. AND i need to find out Which Is Which,
    since i suspect i have the IR-LED mixed up
    with the IR-Detector diode..

    ..maybe that's why my latest effort isn't working either!
    (grump!) :-(
