07 April 2010

Task 44 - Personal presentation topic: Arduino Memory

I'm going to be examining the Duemilanove with its Atmega328 microcontroller.

I'm actually learning about this thing as i'm going along so i don't mind (& normally i DO mind!) making this PowerPoint about it, & especially the add-on bits like the
24LC256 EEPROM chip, with its I2C innards & its up-to-8-chips extendability - very attractive feature for anyone wanting to hang onto large amounts of data..

Gotta go, be late for a meeting & i'm HUNGRY (as usual)..

1 comment:

  1. Haven't actually got the 'assigned devices' thing sussed yet; have i got a 'assigned device'? Peter B mentioned memory so that'll do me, but i'm broke & don't have any extra kit; i wanted to do the "cheap-as-chips" 256kB EEPROM chips - little 8-legged beasties (that Don't Go Bump In The Night!), but i don't have any (yet)..
